Golden Solar Angel Alignment
Align & Activate with Your Higher Self
Jeanne began channeling messages and healing energy from a higher level of her own soul consciousness she called the Master Solar Self because it so incredibly vast it was like being inside a giant golden star. There was no separation between her Solar Self and the infinite consciousness of Source. Her own energy appeared to simply be a continuation of Source. She was guided to meditate and open to her mediumistic abilities to communicate with other beings and this began her journey in the early 2000’s communing with other dimensions of Source, the Akashic Records and beings that reside in the Universe. All awakened human beings are capable now in this time of expanding consciousness to remember their soul abilities and use them. When the information came to her it began a lifetime journey of exploring consciousness and the expanded mind.
In this class:
We learn hold and receive the Key to the frequency of our Solar Self.
Receive our personal Soul Key Access our own Akashic Records.
Sit in power with our Spirit Guides, Star Guides, and Soul Group.
Decode the messages in our bodies and the physical work from our Higher Self.
Receive the Soul Key to Soul Remembrance of Mastery.
Each student receives a journal, manual, and copy of the Galactic Soul Keys oracle cards.
Each Student creates their own keys to their Higher Consciousness and Akashic Records.
Access Wisdom and Healing.
Access to online community support from like minded people embodying their Higher Self.
Join the in person on day class January 13th 10-5pm in which we dive into the Connecting with the Higher/Master Self.
This class will be taught on location in Burnsville MN.
Cost is $225 including manual and journal.
Receive the Soul Key to Soul Remembrance of Mastery.